SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation is simply the practice of optimising your company’s digital profiles so that search engines such as Google can make you discoverable to the right people at the right time. SEO is usually associated with websites but actually it applies to any digital content including your social media profiles.
So why is it important for your business?
1) The All Important First Page of the Search Results
When was the last time you made a google search for a product or service, then visited a website on the second or third page of the results? My guess is its been a while. It doesn’t happen very often. Google is now so good at giving people the results they need on the first page that people rarely venture off the first page. In fact, the first three results get nearly 40% of all traffic and people are more likely to change their search keywords than visit page two.
As a result, if your customers are searching on Google and your website does not appear on the first page, chances are they will never see it! No matter how much time and money you have spent on it.
2) Achieving Organic Traffic
Constantly promoting your website and trying to generate visitors can be hard work! Wouldn’t it be nice if a steady stream of potential customers were finding your website on their own? Being easily visible on Google helps make this happen acting as a springboard for online sales.
3) Thinking Long Term
SEO can be time consuming and unfortunately it will need ongoing attention. It will never be a completed task. The more time, effort and budget that is committed to your SEO, the more you will get back out of it. Establishing a brand as an authority on Google takes time but it will be a powerful asset for your business. In the meantime, consider a PPC campaign to get your business at the top of the search results in the short term.
4) SEO is Cost Effective
The good news is that SEO is a cost effective marketing activity that will deliver tangible results long term. A strong SEO strategy will allow you to reap the benefits, reach more customers and generate more sales.
5) People Trust Google
If you are performing well on Google, it will serve as an endorsement of your business. People trust Google so to have it promote your website helps to builds trust, credibility and brand loyalty. This is especially true if you are a new company or the viewer is not familiar with your brand. Don’t underestimate how beneficial this could be for your business.
SEO can be time consuming and tricky to deliver, but if you do, Google will ensure that all the right people reach your website at the right time and your business will reap the rewards!
Keep an eye on our blog next week where we will be discussing some of the tactics and actions you can take to ensure your SEO is up to scratch!
If you would like a no obligation chat about your company’s SEO, give us a call today! We would love to hear from you.